Bobby’s Free ebook: Selling Riparian Forest Buffers
How do we accelerate the planting of riparian forest buffers?
How do we accelerate the planting of riparian forest buffers?
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation asked me to write several articles about farmers doing their part to improve the soil and water resources on their farms. These articles are designed to showcase how and why, these farmers installed Best Management Practices such as “stream-side fencing” to exclude livestock from streams.
This week’s flood prompted this post on how we deal with floodwater from our river with our cattle. It was an out-of-bank flood event but it didn’t wash our cattle crossing out because we’ve learned to work with the river not against it.
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), the Bay states, the District of Columbia, federal agencies and thousands of volunteers including teachers and farmers have
Four Factors is an inspiring and educational guide for environmental activism. As a student and up and coming environmentalist, I think it is an incomparable resource for future environmental battles.
Atlantic Coast Pipeline . calving . cattle . Chesapeake Bay . Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint . Chesapeake Bay Foundation . chesapeake clean water blueprint . clean water . Clean Water Act . Climate Change . Conservation easement . Conservation Reserve Program . CREP . Dominion . Earth Day . endangered species . Friends of Middle River . Green Ash . livestock exclusion . loggerhead shrike . Middle River . native prairie . non-point source water pollution . Northern Bobwhite . open-space easement . Princess of Swoope . quail . riparian buffer . riparian buffers . riparian forest buffer . riparian forest buffers . Shenandoah River . soil erosion . solar power . stream fencing . Stroud Water Research Center . swoope . Swoope almanac . tall fescue . tmdl . water pollution . water quality . Whiskey Creek Almanac . Whiskey Creek Angus . wildlife habitat
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