Forrest Pritchard, soil health champion in the Shenandoah River watershed.
Forrest Pritchard, farmer, and best selling author is a soil health champion.
Forrest Pritchard, farmer, and best selling author is a soil health champion.
Jimmy Crosby, former bull rider, now a champion of soil health.
Scott Miller saved his forest and uses rotational grazing.
Marli Hickin, farmer and mother of five, teaches her children about sustainability.
Glenn and Arlene Reid fenced their cows out of a stream to prevent calf losses and for ease of herd movement.
Ease of herd movemenet is the number one reason this farmer excluded livestock from the river that flows through his farm.
“I could drink the water leaving our farm”.
Dr. Scott Nordstrom recommends fencing livestock out of streams for bio-security reasons.
This talented farrier recommends keeping your horses out of streams and other wet areas.
The Horn family of Mount Solon, Virginia. Three generations working on Delta Springs Farm.
“It’s the only blog I read.”
Atlantic Coast Pipeline . calving . cattle . Chesapeake Bay . Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint . Chesapeake Bay Foundation . chesapeake clean water blueprint . clean water . Clean Water Act . Climate Change . Conservation easement . Conservation Reserve Program . CREP . Dominion . Earth Day . endangered species . Friends of Middle River . Green Ash . livestock exclusion . loggerhead shrike . Middle River . native prairie . non-point source water pollution . Northern Bobwhite . open-space easement . Princess of Swoope . quail . riparian buffer . riparian buffers . riparian forest buffer . riparian forest buffers . Shenandoah River . soil erosion . solar power . stream fencing . Stroud Water Research Center . swoope . Swoope almanac . tall fescue . tmdl . water pollution . water quality . Whiskey Creek Almanac . Whiskey Creek Angus . wildlife habitat
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