Horned Lark – Special Species of Swoope
As we drove into the pasture with a half-ton bale of hay for the cows I saw a flock of perhaps thirty small birds fly in a tight pattern away from us.
As we drove into the pasture with a half-ton bale of hay for the cows I saw a flock of perhaps thirty small birds fly in a tight pattern away from us.
“If you want to understand the perspective of a dedicated cattle farmer, educated ecologist, and water-quality specialist, this is the book for you!
Turn these pages and feel the frost on your nose in winter, hear quail calling in the spring, taste a homegrown tomato in the summer, and watch Monarch butterflies fuel up on nectar in the fall. . . . truly spectacular stuff!”
Atlantic Coast Pipeline . calving . cattle . Chesapeake Bay . Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint . Chesapeake Bay Foundation . chesapeake clean water blueprint . clean water . Clean Water Act . Climate Change . Conservation easement . Conservation Reserve Program . CREP . Dominion . Earth Day . endangered species . Friends of Middle River . Green Ash . livestock exclusion . loggerhead shrike . Middle River . native prairie . non-point source water pollution . Northern Bobwhite . open-space easement . Princess of Swoope . quail . riparian buffer . riparian buffers . riparian forest buffer . riparian forest buffers . Shenandoah River . soil erosion . solar power . stream fencing . Stroud Water Research Center . swoope . Swoope almanac . tall fescue . tmdl . water pollution . water quality . Whiskey Creek Almanac . Whiskey Creek Angus . wildlife habitat
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