The Alt-country Star Next Door
This is a feature story in the summer edition of the magazine. Scott is a great neighbor and farmer in Swoope.
This is a feature story in the summer edition of the magazine. Scott is a great neighbor and farmer in Swoope.
This story was adapted from my book Swoope Almanac and was published in issue 2 of Shen Valley magazine.
What Exactly is the Shenandoah Valley? This piece was published in the premier edition of Shen Valley Magazine. Issue 1, Winter 2018.
The online version can be found here.
“Bobby calls Jeanne ‘the Princess of Swoope’ with good reason. Her life as a pearl-earring-wearing, calf-roping cattle farmer unfolds in these hilarious, tragic, and beautiful stories in this uniquely written book.
This is a fun read that will make you laugh and cry. It will compel you to be more observant of nature and to be a better steward of land, soil, water, and animals.”
Atlantic Coast Pipeline . calving . cattle . Chesapeake Bay . Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint . Chesapeake Bay Foundation . chesapeake clean water blueprint . clean water . Clean Water Act . Climate Change . Conservation easement . Conservation Reserve Program . CREP . Dominion . Earth Day . endangered species . Friends of Middle River . Green Ash . livestock exclusion . loggerhead shrike . Middle River . native prairie . non-point source water pollution . Northern Bobwhite . open-space easement . Princess of Swoope . quail . riparian buffer . riparian buffers . riparian forest buffer . riparian forest buffers . Shenandoah River . soil erosion . solar power . stream fencing . Stroud Water Research Center . swoope . Swoope almanac . tall fescue . tmdl . water pollution . water quality . Whiskey Creek Almanac . Whiskey Creek Angus . wildlife habitat
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