Chesapeake Lessons for the Great Lakes
“Bobby calls Jeanne ‘the Princess of Swoope’ with good reason. Her life as a pearl-earring-wearing, calf-roping cattle farmer unfolds in these hilarious, tragic, and beautiful stories in this uniquely written book.
This is a fun read that will make you laugh and cry. It will compel you to be more observant of nature and to be a better steward of land, soil, water, and animals.”
Atlantic Coast Pipeline . calving . cattle . Chesapeake Bay . Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint . Chesapeake Bay Foundation . chesapeake clean water blueprint . clean water . Clean Water Act . Climate Change . Conservation easement . Conservation Reserve Program . CREP . Dominion . Earth Day . endangered species . Friends of Middle River . Green Ash . livestock exclusion . loggerhead shrike . Middle River . native prairie . non-point source water pollution . Northern Bobwhite . open-space easement . Princess of Swoope . quail . riparian buffer . riparian buffers . riparian forest buffer . riparian forest buffers . Shenandoah River . soil erosion . solar power . stream fencing . Stroud Water Research Center . swoope . Swoope almanac . tall fescue . tmdl . water pollution . water quality . Whiskey Creek Almanac . Whiskey Creek Angus . wildlife habitat
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