The Bs have it this fall. The riparian forest buffers at our River Farm are 20 years old. The buffers at Whiskey Creek Regenerative Farming are three years old and have survived two consecutive years of extreme drought. Buteos are a genus of raptors with large bodies and broad wings....
Note: This post was written by a real person: me. There are no paywalls, no pop-up menus, no AI, no surveys, and no advertising. All photos by R. Whitescarver. Calving Season Begins at Whiskey Creek March is the most exciting time on the farm because most of our calves are...
The unnamed tributary. That little creek, or seep, or spring, or bog, or wetland without a name begins its life as surface water when it emerges from the ground. Most streams don’t have a name. In fact, about 60 percent of all streams are unnamed. I’ll bet you know of...