Soil Saturated With Phosphorus? – Don’t Apply Anymore Manure
Maryland: The newly elected republican governor, Larry Hogan repealed the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s “Phosphorus Management Tool”. Read my rant here.
Maryland: The newly elected republican governor, Larry Hogan repealed the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s “Phosphorus Management Tool”. Read my rant here.
This is an OPED piece I wrote for the Bay Journal News Service which was published on 8/19/2014. I have added photos and links. Here’s a link to the Downstream Project’s Amy Matthews Amos blog about it. Surviving a heart attack is a huge wake-up call that usually warrants a...
In his e-book, Bobby shares his invaluable knowledge and findings drawn from years of field experience. His tips for how to improve water quality and protect livestock are a true win/win. Please read it. And please share it.
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