Maryland: The newly elected republican governor, Larry Hogan repealed the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s “Phosphorus Management Tool”. Read my rant here.
Maryland governor Larry Hogan. One of his first acts as governor was to pull the PMT regulation. Click on this image to read my oped piece published by the Bay Journal News Service.
This trashes decades of phosphorus research and will further pollute the streams in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay.
It basically allows farmers to continue applying poultry manure to fields already saturated with phosphorus. The excess phosphorus leaches into groundwater and runs off into nearby streams causing algae blooms, dead zones and compromised ecosystems.
It made me gnash my teeth. I wrote about it and the Bay Journal News Service published my piece on 2/3/2015. Read the article here. This is a huge setback for the Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint.
Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to help fight for clean water.
Other articles on this subject:
The Bay Journal’s Rona Kobell‘s article.
Alison Prost’s article. She is the Maryland Executive Director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
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